E60-27 | Engineered materials arresting system (EMAS) 315 ft in length by 218 ft in width located at der 27. |
A58-27 | +40' light pole 110' from runway end 260' right. |
A57-27 | Runway 27 tree 364' above runway end 6800' from runway end and 1050' R of runway centerline; approach 19:1 to displaced threshold. |
A57-09 | Approach ratio 44:1 to displaced threshold. |
A49-27 | Mals runway 27 threshold to 1400'. |
A43-27 | PAPI unusable beyond 5 deg L and R of cntln. |
A39-09/27 | Pcr value: 851/F/A/X/T |
A110-58 | Departure curfew in efct. departures prohibited 2330-0630. sgfnt fines. medium flts exempt with form. Noise ofc 619-400-2660. |
A110-57 | Aircraft with wingspans greater than 171 ft (52M) restricted from using taxiway D south of taxiway B, and when exiting runway 09 wb on taxiway B. |
A110-56 | Runway status lights in operations. |
A110-53 | Taxilane A restricted to aircraft with wingspans of 135 ft or less. |
A110-52 | For access to/fr terminal 2: gates 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33-51 and the island and west remain overnight prkg ramps, contact ramp control on 129.775 sry 131.975 fr 0600-2400. Fr 0000-0600 contact ground control on 123.9. |
A110-51 | Taxiing aircraft shall follow LEAD-IN lines until the nose wheel of the aircraft has entered the non-movement area of the alley. |
A110-50 | Taxiing aircraft are prohibited from passing to the south of aircraft located on taxiway B into alley located between gates 7 and 14. |
A110-45 | In the event of A diversion or irregular operations events, aircraft operators contact the apt duty manager (619) 400-2710 for prior permission required due to limitations associated with handling diverted flts. Limitations include restricted gate space, customs services as well as aircraft servicing and parking. |
A110-44 | 30 minimum prior permission required (619-400-2710) for aircraft with over 171 ft wingspan. |
A110-43 | Due to personnel and equipment working on runway 09-27, 30 minute prior permission required 0830-1230Z for all landings and departures please call 619-400-2710. |
A110-42 | Aircraft crossing runway 09/27 on taxiway C6, hold short of taxiway C6 facing west on taxiway C, parallel to runway. |
A110-40 | Taxiway C edge lights out of service indefinitely. |
A110-4 | Practice approaches and tgl prohibited. |
A110-38 | Military aircraft on official business only contact airport operations at 619-400-2710 for prior permission required. |
A110-37 | Pilots required to contact air traffic control tower ground controller prior to pushback, tow out and taxi for traffic advisories. |
A110-31 | Outboard engines of FOUR-ENGINE aircraft are to be kept at idle power for all ground maneuvering. |
A110-30 | CROSS-BLEED engine starts permitted only on parallel taxiway with aircraft aligned on taxiway centerline. |
A110-3 | Terrain and bldgs to 500' MSL N and E within 1 1/2 mi. |
A110-26 | Intermittent presence of birds on and in vicinity of of airport. |
A110-20 | 747 and larger aircraft are prohibited from making intersection takeoffs. |
A110-19 | Ultralight aircraft prohibited on ap. |
A110-16 | To reduce jet blast impact at N end of taxiway F aircraft will not start eng until 800 ft from N end of taxiway F; abeam the second parking pad. |