Portland-Hillsboro Airport (Portland, OR) HIO Commentaires
Type | Remark |
E147 | Traffic pattern altitude: 1000 ft AGL, turbine and large aircraft 1500 ft AGL. |
A81-APT | When air traffic control tower closed activate MALSR runway 13R; PAPI runway 02 and PAPI runway 20 - CTAF. |
A43-31R | Unusable beyond 8 deg L and R of runway centerline |
A43-13L | Unusable beyond 8 deg L and R of runway centerline |
A30-02/20 | Closed to touch and go landings between 2200-0600. |
A24 | Commercial aircraft and operators with an faa certified max gross landing weight that exceeds 10000 lbs are required to pay A landing fee. |
A110-9 | Avoid LOW-LEVEL overflights of residential areas whenever possible. |
A110-8 | FEE-BASED cstms facility: $60 single-engine, $175 TWIN-ENGINE, $500 turbine. |
A110-7 | Noise sensitive areas border airport west, south and east. |
A110-6 | Runway 31L is preferred runway for noise abatement. |
A110-4 | Runway 13R RUN-UP area not visible from air traffic control tower. |
A110-3 | Noise abatement procedures in effect please call 503-460-4100 or 800-938-6647. |
A110-2 | Cstms available 2000-0400Z++ 503-693-1069, otherwise cstms flight notification service (ADCUS) available; advance coordination req 503-326-3230. |
A110-15 | For clearance when tower closed contact portland approach at 503-493-7545. |
A110-14 | Be alert extensive helicopter training operations to taxiway A, taxiway B, taxiway D. |
A110-13 | Glider operations 5NM northwest during daylight hours MAR-OCT |
A110-12 | Runway 13R-31L has 200' X 150' paved blast pads at both ends |
A110-11 | Runway 2-20 has 150' X 75' paved blast pads at both ends |
A110-10 | Nighttime touch and goes are discouraged 0600-1400Z++. |
A110-1 | Be alert for bird activity in vicinity NOV-MAY. |