A81-APT | When tower closed, MIRL runway 11/29 preset to low SS-SR; to incr intensity MIRL runway 11/29; activate REIL runway 11 and 29; MIRL runway 01/19 - CTAF. |
A70-FUEL-A++ | Military fuel ramp self service 24/7 1 apr to 30 sep and H24 monday - friday 1 oct to 31 mar to trained military key holders; 1 OCT-31 mar prior permission required required prior thurs by 2200Z++ for weekend fuel or service. |
A70-FUEL-100L | L self serv H24 with credit card on civil ramp. |
A58-29 | 15 ft road 0-200 ft from runway end, 0-107 ft L. |
A58-11 | 10 ft brush 0 - 200 ft from runway end, 150-200 ft L. |
A57-29 | Approach ratio 34:1 to dthr. |
A43-29 | Operational consly. |
A43-19 | Operational consly. |
A43-11 | Operational consly. |
A43-01 | Operational consly. |
A30A-19 | Controlled small arms range 1000 yds departure end runway. |
A30A-11 | Departure be alert for optical illusion; vehicles on road may appear to be on runway. |
A17 | Except federal hols. |
A14 | City of sparta (civil) airport manager mark van vormer. |
A110-9 | R6901B 500 yds departure end runway 11. |
A110-8 | Aircraft C130 and lrgr, 180 deg turns allowed only on conc surface at east and west ends of runway 11/29 and south end runway 01/19 conc surface. |
A110-7 | Rapidly rising terrain 1 nm northwest to northeast of airport. |
A110-6 | Supplementary lighted windcones runway 11 and 01. |
A110-5 | Snow removal equipment oprs monitor CTAF when air traffic control tower closed. |
A110-4 | Ficons not monitored after hours. |
A110-3 | 24 hr prior permission required required by all for service after 2200Z++ and wkends; C608-388-4107 DSN 280-4107, closed federal holiday and other times by notam; R/W hot pit available to trained aircrews only. For further fuel and training requirements refer to AP1. |
A110-2 | Occasional wildgame and birds on and in vicinity of airport. |
A110-17 | For clearance when air traffic control tower closed contact chicago artcc at 630-906-8921. |
A110-16 | Restricted: airport rescue and fire fighting service available upon req with 72 hr ntc, index B service available H24. 72 hr ntc for req C608-388-2508, DSN 280-2508. |
A110-14 | Intense paradrop operations in vicinity of 3.5 nm EAST-NORTHEAST of airfield year round. |
A110-13 | Extsv VFR assault strip traffic east of runway 11/29. |
A110-11 | Runway 01, 11, 29 non-standard safety area beyond each end due to terrain grade and fencing. Non-standard north lateral clearance runway 11/29; see kcmy ap/1 for further information.. |
A11 | Us army leases part of airport to city of sparta. |