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North American Trojan (C-FRWG) - EAA Airventure 2019
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North American Trojan (C-FRWG)


EAA Airventure 2019


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Diana Rose
Good Blurrrr!
Phil Townrow
That blade blur is stunning well shot.
serge LOTH
like that plane 5*
Blake Van
Truly enjoyed loops and Aleron rolls, at sun and fun, years back.
frank theriault
Beautiful shot. One of my all time favorite aircraft to fly!
Beast. R-1820, 9 cyl 1400hp.

T-28C, Carrier version with tail hook and short bladed prop.
Keith Brown
T-28s have such a smooth, distinctive sound. I can almost hear it looking at this picture!
Robert Jaye
One of my favorites! In the early sixties you could buy one for about $5K.
Jeff Kitchen
Kinda funny seeing a "U.S. NAVY" aircraft with a Canadian reg, 'eh?
a mentor
@Jeff -- we get to honor the Vickers Aircraft lineup too
Neal Jefferis
When I went to Primary Flight Training with the Navy, still had one-half of VT-6 (NAS Whiting Field) and all of VT-27 (NAS Corpus Christi) flying these. That meant many fledgling Naval Aviators (Navy, Marines, Coast Guard all) took their very first flights and very first solos in these birds!! Wow!
Juan G Mendez
I trained the VNAF, RLAF and Khmer Pilots in the T-28A, B, C, & D, and the AT-28 D-5 & D-10. A great training platform for military pilots. Great Picture.
In the Air Force class of 56-N, this aircraft was the T-28. We started in T-34's, 40 hours and then to the T-28 for 90 hours. Both sweet airplanes. Primary at Moore AFB, Mission, Tx. California Eastern provided civilian flight instructors. From April to November, 1955. Richard Mullins
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