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North American T-6 Texan (N420RK)
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North American T-6 Texan (N420RK)



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Up, up and away I pray, otherwise, up in heaven I lay!
Richard Beers
Show boating! Hope the pilot is confidant his aircraft doesn't stall.
sam kuminecz
Richard has good point...runway will help retract gear real quick haha
Melvin Rumbaugh
I flew that plane for 17 years, that left gear always did drag behind the right one on takeoff.
Looks like a lot of torque coming from that 600 horsepower wasp engine.
jesse kyzer
THANK YOU! to everyone who help keep these Ol birds flying.
Brian Rosenthaler
When I was just learning to fly (1972) I saw an FAA safety poster that said "Retracting too early can make the tips curly" with a cartoon like drawing by the artist the FAA used, (contracted) at the time. He became well known for many of the FAA safety posters he did. Anyone know his name? Yes, it's old school! First used "dead reckoning and a chart to navigate till I learned how to use "Omni".
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