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Lockheed EC-121 Constellation (14-3221) - Weather Reconnaisance Squadron Fours Lockheed EC-121 Warning Star on the retired aircraft flight line behind the Museum of Naval Aviation at NAS Pensacola, FL - March 29, 2018.
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Lockheed EC-121 Constellation (14-3221)


Weather Reconnaisance Squadron Four's Lockheed EC-121 Warning Star on the retired aircraft flight line behind the Museum of Naval Aviation at NAS Pensacola, FL - March 29, 2018.


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The North American T-2C Buckeye, BuNo. 157058, in the lower right of this photo and showing an "A" tailcode, would be from TW-1, VT-9, stationed at McCain Field, Meridian NAS, near Meridian, MS.

This Buckeye was the last T-2C to make a carrier arrested landing...


Mr. Joe Baugher's published information also records the following regarding this U.S. Navy aircraft...

"157058 (MSN 332-29) made last T-2 arrested landing on USS Harry S Truman Jul 25, 2003, To National Museum of Naval Aviation, Pensacola, FL Apr 9, 2004."
Rick FinchPhoto Uploader
Thanks, Cliff!
Rick... you are very welcome and thanks for sharing this photo capture with us!!!
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