6 Votes (2.50 Moyenne) et 2.501 Vues  

— — - Army Reserve CH-46 from Akron/Canton, Ohio clearing the snow from the runway at the Holmes County Airport in Millersburg, OH, the heart of Amish Country. He was doing training maneuvers at our airport so I decided to ask him if hed be willing to "Blow" the snow off our runway, he said "Not a problem sir!" And he proceeded to do a VERY SLOW pass down our 3500 foot runway. He took about 30 minutes and cleared it to dry pavement!
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png moyen / grand / plein format

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Army Reserve CH-46 from Akron/Canton, Ohio clearing the snow from the runway at the Holmes County Airport in Millersburg, OH, the heart of Amish Country. He was doing training maneuvers at our airport so I decided to ask him if he'd be willing to "Blow" the snow off our runway, he said "Not a problem sir!" And he proceeded to do a VERY SLOW pass down our 3500 foot runway. He took about 30 minutes and cleared it to dry pavement!


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