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Douglas DC-3 (NC17334) - DAY Airshow 07-22-23
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Douglas DC-3 (NC17334)


DAY Airshow 07-22-23


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Tim Segulin
Classic angle on a great aeroplane that revolutionized commercial air travel and still looks good today in original livery.
Hard to believe this fine old bird first flew 88 years ago.
ken kemper
Beautiful Image John.

Would work well as B&W too !
jesse kyzer
terry kelsey
If there are any aircraft worthy of being on more than once in a week, then this is surely one of them!
Excellent! This bird's first flight was the year before I was born. (It's in better shape than I am!)

In 1954 at KALB while I was slow-taxiing a 'brake-less' Piper J-3, I almost got eaten by an American -3 that looked exactly like this one. I can still hear those rumbling 1820's just behind me!

A perfectly posed shot!
John Burtis
I grew up just outside Binghamton, NY. My old man was the sales manager of his firm and often flew out of Broome County Airport (BGM). My first recollection of his flying was aboard Mohawk Airlines DC-3's. Those were glorious days, watching the smoke issue from the engines as those DC-3's started up and later with their special roar as they taxied away and then departed. Later, the sleeker Convair 240 replaced the unpressurised but robust DC-3's. But, as commercial aviation still progresses with aircraft like the Boeing Dreamliner, I am still enamoured of the Douglas DC-3.
Loved flying as a passenger in these in ‘the good ol’ days of flying’ from Winnipeg Manitoba to points east, west and south. Such a beauty.
Id Rocketeer
Where's the like button! 🤓

Nice shot. I like seeing it with the radial engines rather than the turboprops you see on so many of them.
lance morgan
Excellent shot and great memories shared. Thanks to all!
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Thank's folk's. @Ken Kemper. I'm going to have to wait a week or more to post it in B&W. @Doug Irvin - thank you for your one vote. I appreciate it. - Just curious Doug - why do you object to posting more than one shot of an aircraft in a week, especially if it's a classic aircraft like the DC-3 showing it from different angles/perspectives. Just trying to understand why that bothers you so much? I am reaching out here Doug..trying to understand your perspective?
Tom Jeter
What’s wrong with Doug Irwin?
Karl Scribner
Every group has a curmudgeon.

I love the DC-3
Rick Hoffman
Great photo I was just at the American Airlines Museum at DFW and saw their Flagship. Love the DC3
jesse kyzer
Steven H Wilcox
Misssionary Flights International owns and flies 3 DC-3’s. They love these beautiful birds!
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