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N806R8 — - Three Boeing Stearman are in formation during their performance at the Fly Iowa Airshow 2019. In the lead is a black and white Stearman registered as N5556R, followed by a Stearman in "Red Baron" colorers registered as N806R8, and finally N69249 named 'Dreamsicle',an orange and white Stearman. Photo taken August 2, 2019 with Nikon D3200 at 400mm.n
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N806R8 —


Three Boeing Stearman are in formation during their performance at the Fly Iowa Airshow 2019. In the lead is a black and white Stearman registered as N5556R, followed by a Stearman in "Red Baron" colorers registered as N806R8, and finally N69249 named 'Dreamsicle',an orange and white Stearman. Photo taken August 2, 2019 with Nikon D3200 at 400mm.n


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Gary Schenauer
Five stars per aircraft makes this a ***** ***** ***** snap and cap(ture). Bravos, Dwight.
Dwight HartjePhoto Uploader
Thank you so much, Gary!
The 3rd Stearman in this photo, the orange and cream one, is 'Dreamsicle'. The nose art is a pretty girl riding an orange dreamsicle.
It is N69249, she was built in 1943 and is based in Clear Lake Iowa, it's powered by a P&W 985 450 hp engine. A nice photo that's well composed.
Dwight HartjePhoto Uploader
Thank you so much, Jim! Thank you so much for the great info on the aircraft.
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