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McDonnell Douglas DC-10 (N308FE) - I had to maneuver quickly to get the marshaller in the picture (visible under the aircraft on the other side facing toward me), but I was able to click the shot as he wanded the All Clear to the pilot as the tug is backing away.  Because FDXs Ann (N308FE) had been pushed tail south on to Alpha taxiway, I had to click this shot from Bravo taxiway ... and then get out of the way because Ann had been cleared to taxi from Alpha to Bravo and from there to runway 16R for departure to KMEM.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png moyen / grand / plein format

McDonnell Douglas DC-10 (N308FE)


I had to maneuver quickly to get the marshaller in the picture (visible under the aircraft on the other side facing toward me), but I was able to click the shot as he wanded the "All Clear" to the pilot as the tug is backing away. Because FDX's "Ann" (N308FE) had been pushed "tail south" on to Alpha taxiway, I had to click this shot from Bravo taxiway ... and then get out of the way because "Ann" had been cleared to taxi from Alpha to Bravo and from there to runway 16R for departure to KMEM.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
A fantastic day out on the airport grounds ... but ... I forgot my earplugs ... and ... it is LOUD out there. ESPECIALLY when they go blazing past only a few feet away at full throttle. So, starting yesterday, I now carry a pair of earplugs ... in a small case attached right to my keyring ... 24/7/365. ;-)
Dwight Hartje
Excellent capture, Gary! Yah, those earplugs are useful. How did you get so close anyways?
Dave Sheehy
Nice shot Gary! Thx for the post.
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