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Sikorsky S-70 (16-5760) - The long shadow on the ground next to the taxiway sign gives a good indication of the time of day as Longhorn Oh Two (US Navy "Longhorns" Search and Rescue Team) lifts away from Lima during the sunset hour and begins turning east to make a short return trip to NAS Fallon.
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Sikorsky S-70 (16-5760)


The long shadow on the ground next to the taxiway sign gives a good indication of the time of day as Longhorn Oh Two (US Navy "Longhorns" Search and Rescue Team) lifts away from Lima during the sunset hour and begins turning east to make a short return trip to NAS Fallon.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
The flight route between KNFL and KRNO goes directly over my house (located exactly halfway -- 40 miles to NFL; 40 miles to RNO) so I see quite a lot of low flying Navy aircraft almost daily. Only problem is that because they are going directly overhead, all I usually get in the pics I snap from my front step is the undersides. So it was neat to be able to get the topside of this one for once.
aaron Merculief
Not the best color scheme.
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
No doubt you are correct; however, I can assure you that of the many US Navy personnel who have been rescued from the water or the desert by the famed Navy "Longhorns" SAR (Search and Rescue) unit, and also of the many civilian skiers and hikers who have been lost in the Sierra Nevada and who have been found and rescued by this same unit, I am absolutely confident that not even ONE of them ever felt, or will ever feel, that the color scheme on those Longhorns Seahawks is anything other than wonderfully gorgeous. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and when there is nothing but empty blue ocean or deep white snow or mile upon mile of dense forest or blazing hot desert, and then that orange splotch appears in the sky, I'm betting that orange and white looks like the very best color scheme on earth. Or maybe it's the large red letters "RESCUE" on the bottom of it. I suppose I might be wrong ..... Just curious, but why are you wearing orange and lime green? Not the best color combo, or perhaps it is ....
I've always been a fan of the U.S. Navy's "livery" on its helicopters... :-)
Tom Vance
Too cool Gman...! great "tilt' on the Hawk departing...5x
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