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Antonov An-2 (N73AN) - N73AN looks airworthy and ready to leave Iqaluit after overwintering here.br /Antonov Colt An-2, owned by Ken B McBride
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Antonov An-2 (N73AN)


N73AN looks airworthy and ready to leave Iqaluit after overwintering here.
Antonov Colt An-2, owned by Ken B McBride


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Gary Schenauer
Just capturing this An-2 makes the pic worth 5 - and that is added to the great photo. Bravos x 10, Fiona. **********
Gary Schenauer
It has been a long time since you posted this pic, Fiona. Hope all is well with you. (Wave)
Fiona HuntPhoto Uploader
Thank you, Gary. I'm slowly getting back to taking pictures. Maybe I'll catch some interesting planes now that the season has started. I hope you have a wonderful summer!
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