41 Votes (4.75 Moyenne) et 8.416 Vues  

De Havilland Canada Twin Otter (N77TF)
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De Havilland Canada Twin Otter (N77TF)



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Alan Brown
Great photo. Love the paint job on the plane. Flew in these years ago in and out of Aspen in Colorado. It was fun in the passenger compartment at 14 to 15 K feet, with no pressurization.
Great paint.
David Ingram
Too perdy to get wet.
marylou anderson
Love the sea life on this.
arnold schotten
Excellent photo, a big 10+ for it
serge loth
DHC6 is already a good plane ...by as floatplane!!!! super...excellent picture
@Alan Brown, how did you access oxygen in the cabin? 14000+ requires it.

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