58 Votes (4.66 Moyenne) et 12.357 Vues  

N151HR — - Wings Over Houston 2016 - P51-D, Dakota Kid-II / Long Island Kid
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png moyen / grand / plein format

N151HR —


Wings Over Houston 2016 - P51-D, Dakota Kid-II / Long Island Kid


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Greg Byington
Okay...this picture should have more than ten votes! I REALLY like it, Mike!
Mike UranoPhoto Uploader
Thanks Greg!
Greg Byington
You're welcome, Mike! And I see we're up to 15 votes now. That's better, but still not enough, IMHO. Keep it up, everyone! ;-)
Philippe Domogala
Superb photo, looks like a painting . You should offer it on silver photo paper in HR and sell it :-)
John Kulha
Great shot
Nate Rasband
love the sharp focus on the p51 and that prop blur!
Mike UranoPhoto Uploader
Thanks for the great comments everyone :) It's always tough balancing shutter speed with my ability to track and focus to get the right effect. That beautiful polished metal against the pyro smoke background makes for a very ideal setup.
Richard Spurgeon
it's old ,but beautiful
Francois Haut
Beautiful picture !
Coolest fighter EVER. Great picture of the worlds best fighter of its time.
John E. Johnson
Would LOVE a poster of this... for my Son of course.😊
John E. Johnson
What's the top speed of the D
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