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Lockheed EC-130J Hercules (CSZ889)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png moyen / grand / plein format

Lockheed EC-130J Hercules (CSZ889)



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Diana Rose
The Coolest Shot!
C-130 rollin' down the strip...
terry kelsey
Great shot. You rarely see the props captured like that.
John Felton
The refuel boom indicates this is C-130J (not EC-130J) owned by the Brits.
A complete lack of antenna protrusions on the tail would tend to mitigate against the "E" prefix as well.
Jorgiane Kaminski
Larry Toler
I was looking at other shots of this 130.it looks like it has RAF Roundels but no other RAF markings. Also there looks to be a cargo door on the right side, but I'm probably wrong on that. There must be a deeper story here. Either way, it's not a US designated EC130, but whoever owns it could very well designate it as their version of an EC130
Larry Toler
I was looking at other shots of this 130.it looks like it has RAF Roundels but no other RAF markings. Also there looks to be a cargo door on the right side, but I'm probably wrong on that. There must be a deeper story here. Either way, it's not a US designated EC130, but whoever owns it could very well designate it as their version of an EC130
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