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Antonov An-124 Ruslan (RA-82044) - Getting more common seeing these in CLT but always a site to see!br /br /11/17/18
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Antonov An-124 Ruslan (RA-82044)


Getting more common seeing these in CLT but always a site to see!



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Very impressive!
Ryan CarsonPhoto Uploader
Wow very quick Alexander thanks!
Leon Kay
Good shot of an amazing aircraft.
Jim Smith
Really impressive rumbling over our house when they make the short hop from KPAE to KBFI.
George Otterman
The Antonov-124-100 flew a locomotive from London, Ontario to Dublin, Ireland. The locomotive was manufactured by Electro Motive Division of GM. The weight of the locomotive was 240,000 pounds (109 MT). There were 96 tie downs for the locomotive. They made 3 fuel stops. The flight occurred on June 9 ,1994.
Ryan CarsonPhoto Uploader
Thanks Guys and really cool about the info about the locomotive
George thanks!
marylou anderson
Why common in Charlotte?
Ryan CarsonPhoto Uploader
Cheap parking fees, makes it easy for Volga to keep them here for a few days if not needed which is exactly what happened here.
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