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ERCO Ercoupe (N94805) - Returning from Oshkosh to Northern California, August 3rd, 2019.
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ERCO Ercoupe (N94805)


Returning from Oshkosh to Northern California, August 3rd, 2019.


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James GoodPhoto Uploader
On the 4,500 statue mile trip, the Ercoupe burned 226 US gallons of 100LL. 2.2qts of oil used.
Mike Tovani
Great picture James.
Ron Williams
James great picture and I enjoy your YouTube channel
Another nice shot of an old friend.
Michael Dunlevie
Great pic and a great video log of the trip on YouTube.
Michael Dunlevie
Thanks for the video log of the big trip.
That’s about the most beautiful photo I’ve ever seen. I think I saw them passing by headed back there.
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Date Avion Provenance Destination Départ Arrivée Durée
18-12-2024 ERCONevada County ()Nevada County () 15h20 PST 16h16 PST (?) 0:56
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