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Lockheed F-35C (16-8720) - Lockheed-Martin F-35B Lightning 2 BuNo 168720 Modex 02 of VMFA-121, based at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, paid a visit to Luke Air Force Base on December 10, 2013. It arrived just before 11:00 in the morning. It made four circuits of the pattern in vertical landing mode and then landed. It was being shown to officials from Singapore, which is considering buying the Joint Strike Fighter.
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Lockheed F-35C (16-8720)


Lockheed-Martin F-35B Lightning 2 BuNo 168720 Modex 02 of VMFA-121, based at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, paid a visit to Luke Air Force Base on December 10, 2013. It arrived just before 11:00 in the morning. It made four circuits of the pattern in vertical landing mode and then landed. It was being shown to officials from Singapore, which is considering buying the Joint Strike Fighter.


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rick worboys
Wonderful photo and perfect commentary. States what it is, where it is and what it's doing.
Totally agree with rickw57. A pleasure to view material like this.
Peter Goldfinch
When I try to access "rickw57" I get "No such user: rickw57"
How can comments be posted by a user that does not exist?
Henk Mulder
I,m sorry to say, its a fat plane, to expensive U.S forces had better planes
I feel the need for speed!
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