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55-3118 — - #1 C-135 taken back in 1986. Aircraft now resides at McConnell AFB as a gate guard.
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55-3118 —


#1 C-135 taken back in 1986. Aircraft now resides at McConnell AFB as a gate guard.


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Furusawa Masanobu
oh beautiful photo!! beautiful !!
Jim Quinn
Was this one of the SAC Airborne Command Post aircraft?
HabujetPhoto Uploader
Jim, no not this one. Mostly associated with TAC and the deployment of fighter dets overseas. It wears the TAC badge with a lightning bolt thru it in this photo.
The airborne command posts and Elint's were variants of the C-137, which was a direct relation to the 707, while the C-135's were related to the Boeing 367-80 jet prototype. It has a narrower fuselage and is shorter than the 707.
I have worked on this A/C at TAFB during PDM. I was in Avionics. Easy to remember the polished aluminum.
Bobby Allison
This was actually the first KC-135A off the assembly line. It was known as the "City of Renton". That's a great catch!! It was converted into an EC-135K airborne command post.
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