92 Votes (4.83 Moyenne) et 9.342 Vues  

N1078Z —
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png moyen / grand / plein format

N1078Z —



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jesse kyzer
Constructed as a 1943? F6F-5 Hellcat
Greg Byington
That's an amazing shot, Lyle! You might want to try HCAT for the aircraft type code.
Hawk Moore
What an amazing picture!
Hawk Moore
What were you flying in to get that shot?
Lyle JansmaPhoto Uploader
Hawk Moore, I was riding in a Bonanza A-36. - Lyle
frank theriault
Best picture of a Hellcat I've ever seen!
Good one!

Was the other plane a real Zero?
a mentor
come to KCMA ans see them both -- upfront and personal
Steve White
Stunning photo.
The other plane is a custom mock-Zero build by/for the CAF Tora Tora Tora demo team. Salient features look VERY Zero, but the real Zero is rather smaller and lighter.
Lyle JansmaPhoto Uploader
skylab72, you are entirely incorrect and the FAA would concur... -https://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/Search/NNumberInquiry
Diana Rose
...just sayin', one image can be superimposed over another with a little help from PhotoShop.
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