43 Votes (4.80 Moyenne) et 11.689 Vues  

N151HR — - P-51D Dakota Kid II at AirVenture 2016 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png moyen / grand / plein format

N151HR —


P-51D Dakota Kid II at AirVenture 2016 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.


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Laura Bliss
Great photo, great sun reflection!
Diana Rose
sam kuminecz
Dcrosse I was there. I can vouch for the lighting
Dwight Hartje
Outstanding capture!
Robert KatrositsPhoto Uploader
In reply to decrose1942, who asked if the picture was photoshopped: no, nothing was added or composited in the photo. The "secret" (aside from finding the dramatic sky in the first place) is to save in RAW format. RAW usually provides a greater tonal range from shadows to highlights. I usually do my RAW conversion in Photomatix Pro rather than Photoshop. I use Photoshop to adjust the tonal curve. Then I use the following Topaz filters in Photoshop to restore the contrast and detail: Topaz Denoise, Adjust, and Detail.
Thanks for looking!
Beautiful. It deserves more than 5*****'s!
Geoff Anthony
A classic shot, of a classic fighter
Karan K
doug ogle
That is the stuff of dreams. Very nice dreams!
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