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Cessna Skylane (N529JK) - This was John Kennedy Jrs 1st plane that he earned his private pilot rating in.  The 2nd owner of the plane, he changed the registration number to his fathers birthday, May 29th (5/29) and initials (JK), and repainted the aircraft.  It was registered in his corporations name, Random Ventures, Inc. of New York City.  He traded this plane on May 21st, 1999 for the Piper Saratoga II that he died in on July 16, 1999.

Cessna Skylane (N529JK)


This was John Kennedy Jr's 1st plane that he earned his private pilot rating in. The 2nd owner of the plane, he changed the registration number to his father's birthday, May 29th (5/29) and initials (JK), and repainted the aircraft. It was registered in his corporation's name, Random Ventures, Inc. of New York City. He traded this plane on May 21st, 1999 for the Piper Saratoga II that he died in on July 16, 1999.


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Never would trade Dads tail numbers
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