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Lockheed F-16 Fighting Falcon — - MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY, USA-MAY 12, 2020: An F-16, attached to the New Jersey Air National Guard's 177th Fighter Wing operating out of Atlantic City International Airport, is seen during a flyover of one of the state's Veteran's Homes. The flyover was a salute to the COVID-19 first responders and health workers.
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Lockheed F-16 Fighting Falcon —


MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY, USA-MAY 12, 2020: An F-16, attached to the New Jersey Air National Guard's 177th Fighter Wing operating out of Atlantic City International Airport, is seen during a flyover of one of the state's Veteran's Homes. The flyover was a salute to the COVID-19 first responders and health workers.


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