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Aerosucre 737 clips trees on take off (Video)
On February 3, 2022, an Aerosucre Boeing 737-200 with a crew of five took off from Puerto Carreno Airport in Colombia at a dangerously low altitude and, as it became airborne and the landing gear retracted, clipped the top of a 46ft- (14m) high tree located 295m (967ft) past the end of the runway. Startling video footage from a doorbell camera installed at a house beyond the runway shows the aircraft passing low overhead, missing electrical wires by mere feet and causing significant movement in… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Scary how often Aerosucre aircraft appear in these near-disaster videos. I'm surprised their operating permits haven't been pulled yet.
I'm surprised they weren't pulled after the 2016 Bogota disaster...and it was no near-disaster.
Guessing they’re running drugs for the authorities, maybe that’s why…
Least they’ll be on ‘Three minutes of Aviation’ on YT once again. They’ve developed a cult following there, was posting ‘Sadly, No Aerosucrae….’
Glad to see Aerosucker is one company proud of its traditions and willing to stand by them through changing times.
Astonishing how in some countries when it comes to aviation safety, the authorities JDGAF