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Delta Air Lines Announces nonstop Service to Tahiti
Delta Air Lines recently announced a new, long-haul route. The legacy carrier will begin nonstop flights from Los Angeles, Calif. to Papeete, located on the French Polynesian island of Tahiti. The new flight is planned to commence on December 17, 2022, during the summer months in the South Pacific. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Delta has a huge fleet of old 767's they need to do something with so they're going to give this a shot.
I looked at the Delta website ...... what I saw in late October was that it is a code share on Air France with Air France being the operator on a 777 200
Fares are confusing .... they offer a teaser at $750 return in Y but the regular coach fare is $2500
Fares are confusing .... they offer a teaser at $750 return in Y but the regular coach fare is $2500
Right. I can fly cheaper, on the same code-shared aircraft, with Air France. Delta is always more expensive but it's a good airline and you get what you pay for. Just wish they'd update their aircraft.
there is already scheduled airliner esrvice on this route. Does delta think they are going to stimulate sufficient traffic to fill their frequencies no matter what the other airline does? I have nothing bad to say about Delta I will watch them as they compete in the marketplace.
.............. and you too can now experience a sub-par cabin offer all the way from LA to Tahiti.
Asian and Australian/KIWI airlines already visit daily with out-of-this-world (for anyone used to flying a US carrier) service down the back or up the front.
If you are still flying on a US-based carrier outside of the USA; well, more fool you.
Asian and Australian/KIWI airlines already visit daily with out-of-this-world (for anyone used to flying a US carrier) service down the back or up the front.
If you are still flying on a US-based carrier outside of the USA; well, more fool you.
Well said. And agreed. Delta’s foray is a fools folly.