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Trump plane makes emergency landing after engine failure

A plane carrying former President Donald Trump was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans last weekend after suffering engine failure over the Gulf of Mexico. Trump had been in New Orleans to speak to Republican donors in New Orleans. After the emergency landing, Trump's team secured another donor's private plane, and the former president ultimately made it to Palm Beach, FL early the next morning. ( More...

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sparkie624 64
I am sure that this was a precautionary shutdown and as always, anything Trump gets blown out of proportion. Multi Engine pilots are trained for inflight failure... this is not even news worthy.

EMK69 18
Yep, thinking the same thing....I'm REALLY surprised this thread is so quiet

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JP OBerry 11
As every president before him. All are former. But they are usually still referred to as "President".
Wayne Fox 6
I'm sure either Biden or Obama were responsible for the failure. Haha
JP OBerry 2
Oh, god, are they working as aircraft mechanics now? The horror!
flyingjafo -5
Hey Eintstien, all former presidents keep the title "President" for life. And BTW... Biden is headed fast to his personal trash dump corner of history as the worst of all time!
mike moseley 18
That's true, except for those that commit treason and Putin wanna b's.
21voyageur 5
Perhaps but Biden will not have the aroma of collusion, tax evasion, sexual abuse, etc., etc., etc hanging over him as will the former president Trump.
Rex Bentley 5
Guess you don't know much about him.
AWAAlum 0
None of us know much about either of them.
JP OBerry 4
No, it will be pedophillia, and dementia that will define his presidency. We have a minimum age for a Preseident. It's time to establish a maximum age also.
garritt 0
Yes...I think 85 is a good max age
It should be a cognitive test, regardless of age. If you don't pass, you're not fit to lead. That would've saved this country from its current debacle. Would've saved Ukraine, too.
Randy Barron 1
"Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV."
Mike Mohle 1
James Heim 3
No, they do not keep the title for life. We have one president at a time. You can look it up.
Derek Vaughn 1
Biden is very easily the worst U.S. President in modern times. The border crisis, alone, should be an impeachable offense, not to mention his deliberate war on what was the strength of the U.S. economy. We all know he doesn't make any decision himself, but he's a puppet to his cabinet of radical morons. People still criticizing Trump at this point are trolls.
Fred B Rillo -2
IM sure you would rather have the degenerate, illiterate, incompetent, pathological liar and life long con artist with deep connections to certain authoritarian back in office to further entertain the rest if tge planetcwith his total stupidity. Maybe you just live being lied to 30,500 times.
Derek Vaughn 1
Well that's exactly what we have now.
Fred B Rillo -2
What border crisis? He's deporting more than Trump and using Trumps policies fir asylum servers to wait in Mexico. You obviously believevtge Bewsmax and Fox talking points that don't exist in reality.
Derek Vaughn 2
Tell the border agents there's no crisis. You shouldn't be inhaling 100LL fumes.
Arthur Cooler 1
what a laughable comment.
SFRobert -4
You really ought to learn how to spell Einstein. Or are you just that flustered you add all those extra letters?

Trumpism has shrunk your brain.
Wayne Bridger -1
Trump has that locked in for eternity.
DonDengler -4
You are a classic Dummycrat
Ken Lane -8
If you think it was fair you're blind as a bat and are incapable of analyzing basic facts. There was so much fraud it's insane not to mention acts by election officials in several states in violation of state laws, a clear violation of the US Constitution.

Lord help us if you're a pilot.
Dalton Smith 1
Yeah, you’re right, Trumper did have some dead people voting for him. GLAD HES GONE!!
Ken Lane 3
He'll be back.

But for now, what exactly has Biden done for this nation that has been POSITIVE for this nation? Answer that one.

I guess you prefer pathetically high unemployment rates like we had under Obama and now under Biden.

And, before all the liberal hacks destroyed a $22.5T economy and put north of forty million people out of work, we had historically record-low unemployment for every class. Biden cannot do that.
Gary Ondrey 5
That moron can't answer that, because there isn't an intelligent answer to that. Biden is evicerating this country and Communists like Dalton, don't have the intelligence to see past their welfare check to see what is going on here. FJB !!
garritt 2
ha ha ha ha
AWAAlum 0
What has Biden done for the nation that has been positive? He got Trump out of the Oval Office.
garritt 1
ha ha ha ha
msetera -3
How wrong you are.
SFRobert 5
No. How wrong you are. Marjorie Taylor Green, Lauren Boebert, and Matt Gaetz don’t mind lying to you.
DonDengler -1
You are a classic loser that Trump talks about. Hahahaha
DonDengler -3
You are a classic idiot
Gary Ondrey -3
There seem to be a whole lot of classic idiots in this country these days. Most are democrats
21voyageur -5
EX/FORMER president Trump. He just rented the title.
JP OBerry 6
As did everyone before him
ewrcap 12
Like his girl friends!
garritt -4
ho ho ho .....most people do not marry a ho, let alone 3 of them....but when you are famous for walking down 5th ave. with a ho on each arm....well does anyone think he has had experience with someone he didn't pay first
Gary Ondrey 4
You're such an ass. Zero class bozo
flyingjafo 0
Yes, Airgoddess1!
garritt -3
long live in prison....this may have been a fake event that he turned into a fundraiser.....his last fundraiser raised 200 million & he spent 8 million of it then pocketed the rest
Gary Ondrey -4
Good luck with that, Communist ! He's coming back to get all of you
wiregold -5
*rump is the Communist fan-boy. Just look at his giddy face standing next to Putin.
Don't click on the downvoted comments. ;^)

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SFRobert 14
Talk about trump derangement…
TDS is real! That proof is in every comments section of any website.
Rick D 26
After over 100 years of commercial aviation why is every incident still headline news? While any engine failure will get a pilot's attention I doubt this situation raised their heartbeat or caused them to break out in a sweat. For a fine example of how well trained pilots are listen to the transcript of the conversation between ATC and the pilot of the SW airplane that suffered a catastrophic engine failure. Anything for headlines, I guess
They have to fill 24 hrs
sparkie624 18
because our News Media is trying to sensationalize events and making it sound like someone almost died in a plan accident sells more news, than to say "Trumps Aircraft out of an Abundance of precaution shut down and engine and diverted to the the nearest airport" - besides, 99% of the news media does not have a clue of what they are talking about, especially when it comes to aircraft. Most would have trouble telling the difference between a Cessna 150 and a Boeing 747...
mike moseley 6
The story was carried by Fox News and OAN, CNN didn't think it newsworthy.
Dan Grelinger 2
Not sure about those, but definitely by Associated Press and MSN.
Greg Lonnberg 1
You are right! CNN doesn’t think.

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bartmiller 7
Seems like a legitimate story to me.

An engine failure on a twin engine jet creates an emergency situation. At this point, you have no more backup. A landing with one engine out is an emergency action.

Given the reliability of turbine engines, it is interesting to report.

Given the media status of Trump (whether you like him or not), this increases the interest in the story.

The story was factual and basic. They didn't seem to be trying to hype or exaggerate the story. I would've appreciated seeing more information about what led to the engine failure.
SFRobert 5
It’s got three engines kind of like an L1011.
Antonio Rodil 3
Yes. It was a Dessault
Fred B Rillo 2
Maybe because the billionaire is using the episode to scam those who believe him, that he needs their money to buy a new plane as the billionaire can't afford to use his own.
Chuck Lavazzi 9
The only thing really interesting about this is the bizarre secrecy surrounding the Trump organization response. "The details of the emergency landing, first reported by Politico, were confirmed Wednesday by a person familiar with the incident who was not authorized to speak publicly about it and spoke on the condition of anonymity...A Trump spokesperson confirmed there was an emergency landing but declined to comment further." What's the big deal? Why not just say there was an emergency landing, give the basic details, and let it go at that? Seems a bit silly.
doug staab 0
Entertain the twits...
AWAAlum 15
It's been said before - SO many times - but clearly it bears repeating. And yes, I'm shouting, get over it. THIS IS AN AEROSPACE WEBSITE. You folks posting solely about your political opinions are in the wrong place. Move on. Move out. Stick to the purpose of FlightAware. It's for the professionals.
Randy Marco -1
This is NOT A serious forum!

Serious aviation people are FLYING or working on their planes.

This is a want-a-be rightwinged forum filled with uneducated DOLTS, just like most all forums.

So grow up and realize thus is called life and speaking of life, trumpf and anyone supporting him are uneducated idiots that support Putin, Sedition and are against DEMOCRACY!

Dale Ballok 3
No, serious people try to comment on aviation related incidents and equipment, not political rhetoric! Like he said, take it elsewhere!
AWAAlum 1
Maybe not a great idea to express your jaded views by insulting all members. I've scrolled through your history of posts and note they're all dripping in negativism. I wish I cared enough about you to pity you.
Randy Marco 0
I pity your ignorance!
AWAAlum 1
Juan Jimenez -2
Take your whining elsewhere.
AWAAlum 2
lol-that's professional.
Frank Austin 4
Does anybody know the status of Trump's 757? The last I heard it was sitting in Lake Charles waiting to e refurbished.
garritt 0
I heard it was almost repoed, but a doner bailed him out
Juan Jimenez 6
Damn, so close! It was going to be a massive honking party!
Randy Marco 3
If only.... well we can all hope and maybe he can take his kids and as many of his sycophants with him!
JP OBerry 0
If we're lucky, you'll be riding with him.
Ed Skube 3
As in the history of manned flight - anything can happen at any time anywhere and to anyone. Always good to plan for the worse to happen and to smile and be mildly disappointed when it doesn't. Have had many an incident during my 31 years of flying in the Navy and just this past week or so had my first Commercial airlines aborted takeoff, believe the Captain said trim started to move on its own. I'm familiar with runaway pitch trim had a couple in events myself. Don't really want it on the takeoff roll. No sweat. Abort, return to the gate, wait for a replacement aircraft and a few hours later home safe and sound.
MDer 3
Anyone know why Trumpforce 1, wasn't moved to Arizona ?
Frank Austin 2
It was moved to Lake Charles to be refurbished by a company owned by a casino magnate of trumps. I think it needed one new engine. On the way from New York to Louisiana, the plane made a precautionary landing. It was only on the ground a short while and returned to the air to finish in Lake Charles.
more2me 3
Link to the FlightAware tracking of this flight? Likely private/protected?
Jeffrey Shaw 3
The professional airmen did their job, ending in a safe landing. The fact president trump
was on board make it newsworthy. regardless of your politics, the outcome was a good one.
Frank Austin 2
Does anybody know which pland had he engine problem. I know he hates his Citation and his 757 is not flyable (I think). Nobody has reported on what type of plane he was on and whether it was donated by one of his supporters or not. My guess, with the lack of information, one of his supporters loaned him the plane.
Ken Lane 2
So, the pilots of Trump's plane executed emergency procedures like the professionals they are. Why is that news?

Here's a missing story on this site...

Why is there an LOC incident an average of every four days with pilots killing themselves?
I am so glad that I was able to get aviation news on this comment list. Somebody does not like take your pick.. Please go out into the street and voice your dislike!! You are entitled to your opinion, but not your facts....
DonDengler 0
What who where why
jwelder3 5
I see the haters are chattering. Anyway, what model airplane was it???
Randy Gerke 4
He was flying in a donor's aircraft, which was a Dassault Falcon 900 when the incident occurred. After the emergency landing his advisors secured another aircraft from a different donor to fly him back to Florida. This info was reported in the Guardian on March 9th.
Gary Ondrey 4
It was a Dassault Falcon 900EX. A very high quality aircraft
Gary Picou 1
Said 4 engines, so I guess an Ilyushin IL-96?
flyingjafo -2
last time I saw it... 757-200
Gary Ondrey 4
The 757 hasn't flown for about 2 years now. Don't spread misinformation
mike moseley 11
sitting in New Jersey waiting for a true billionaire make it airworthy.
SFRobert 12
But the former guy is asking for donations to get the old money pit back in the air. Same way he asks for all his donations like to help defend the insurrectionists. He directs to his campaign donations page which says he can use it for whatever he wants to. Meanwhile, no money for the insurrectionists or any of the other causes. He just grifts it and puts it in his pockets.
Mike Mohle 0
Was there an "Insurrection"? Oh yeah, BLM riots that the MSM forgot to accurately cover. Thanks!
darjr26 4
Ah yes. First a retreat at the Four Seasons in New Orleans, then a multi-million dollar, private jet (or two) back to Mar-A-Lago, the “crown jewel of Palm Beach”. Truly a man of the people!
Randy Marco 1
trumpf makes Putin and ALL Dictators proud!
Dale Ballok 0
Right! And he’s the only POTUS to take advantage of all the perks available to them?
Take your political agenda and hate elsewhere. We don’t need it here!
Sure Randy, because the commu ...I mean democrat party is all about "Freedom". LOLOL. Spying on bank accounts of the working class with 80k new IRS agents, the FBI calling parents that spoke up at school committee meetings "terrorists", now they want to investigate and attempt to prosecute anyone who fails a background check related to firearms when the system causes false rejections all the time. That's just the 1st 3 off the top of my head.

At least Trump didn't take a taxpayer funded salary. Goes to show the character between the 2 administrations. One earned money, and Biden steals money via crooked dealings. Trump's sons and daughters are morally grounded, upstanding citizens. Biden's son is a crack smoking, prostitute loving criminal who inappropriately touched his young niece, and fooled around with his dying brother's wife! The apples never fall far from the tree ...
Randy Marco 1
trumpf made a fortune making the government pay HIS companies to protect him.

Not to mention 285 days golfing while president.

Your right about character but Biden has it.... trumpf is a criminal.
21voyageur 4
Typical Trump. "Why should I pay for anything when I can get a chump to do it". Sad. This man has serious mental issues.
doug staab 1
Find facts..
If that's the case, Dan, then why did he REFUSE his presidential taxpayer funded salary, while Biden collects his?
DonDengler 3
Why are you Democrats making this all about how you hate President Trump. Jealous of him
And his beautiful family. The US was well respected by the World during his Presidency. People were flourishing.
Now not so.
Dale Ballok 8
They just can’t help themselves to hide their hate! They’re the most negative vocal group ever found. Notice how 46 took office without incident? The Dems are probably already planning their tactics for protests and riots if Trump is re-elected!
DonDengler 3
Summer of
2020. These jealous rotten burning down cities. They don’t necessarily claim a Democrat but this evil anarchy is how they behave. Republicans are educated. Have dignity and good
Moral values. I do NOT speak to any one who voted for the creep. Aka Joe Biden I turn my back and walk away. They are also still
Wearing masks!
AWAAlum 2
Your thinking is extremely narrow-minded. It would benefit you to consider the possibility there are other avenues.
Randy Marco 1
I guess your morality includes being in bed with Putin WHICH EVERY ONE associated with trumpf has connections with Putin.

YOU are proof you TOTALLY uneducated!
mike Renna 1
Randy! ++
Gary Ondrey 4
You are absolutely right ! There is no respect for this country anywhere any more, including within this country. It's so sad that an event that could have become more than just an event, is fodder for all the delusional Trump haters. I can't wait for his return and the return of respect for America and its old values again. Thank you for being the voice of reason
garritt 1
I am jealous of him because I did not marry 3 prostitutes, lie about being a christian , But mostly because of the lies to MY GOP he tells every day....the beautiful family & thinking that he was respected in our world are laughable
garritt 0
ha ha ho ho ho
Peggy Cheek 2
Thank God they are all ok!
That malevolent clown will do anything to gain the spotlight.
Martin Toher -4
Ok, everybody stop. I didn’t vote for Trump, but I think we can all agree that he was a better president than the current occupant. At least we weren’t staring at a nuclear World War III in the face while Trump was in office.
dodonfred 1
We are in this situation precisely because of Trump and him giving Putin everything he wanted.
scooteral46 0
Funny.... Putin didn't invade Ukraine when Trump was president. Waited until we had softy as president.
mike moseley -1
Right, trumps ranked right up there with Putin, history will show..
Derek Vaughn 2
Just be glad you're getting a government check. Stay warm out there.
Chuck Lavazzi -1
Actually, no, we can't.
Guess he hasn't raised enough money from his followers to fix the engine of the 757 that used to belong to Paul Allen...
Jim Allen -1
What frustrates me about - politics aside- just hops onto another donors private jet. Yeah - like anyone has that ability. I’d be bitching regardless of political affiliation.. not many people have that privilege.
21voyageur 3
1 word, , , , FREELOADER
doug staab -1
Typical pot stirrer. Find yourself some facts... Go back to ReddShittt
Don Fairchild 1
Would be surprised if one of the following was behind the engine failure.
Soros, Clinton, Pelosi, Biden or some socialist henchman.
Frank Austin 0
I wonder why deadbeat donald doesn't fly in his old rattletrap used airliners
DonDengler -9
God save President Trump!
DonDengler -9
God save President Trump! He’ll be back !
Randy Marco 4
Back in JAIL where he belongs for trying to end DEMOCRACY and all his other crimes!

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SFRobert 1
Prison, maybe?
ewrcap 1
Oh, GOD elects presidents? He IS omnipotent I guess. Interestingly he seems to prefer Democrats at least half the time. He elected Kennedy, Clinton and Obama too!
SFRobert -1
Just like bad oysters…

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mike moseley 7
He isn't Putin's lap dog.
john g watts 0
Airgoddess1,tell me ONE good thing about loser trump.
ewrcap 1
Classic Trumpist response. Next, try death threats!
SFRobert -5
You need to work on your anger issues, sweetie.
SFRobert -8
And get vaccinated - it could still save your trump-loving hiney and the hineys of those around you.

Odds are good that as a trumper you prefer ivermectin but it’s been proven in multiple studies to have no efficacy against covid. Wear you mask when asked. And try to understand how trump was violating the Constitution in a myriad of ways as he attacked democracy with multiple scams, graft, and greed.
Dale Ballok 3
Wow! Crash and burn! That post had absolutely nothing to do with the OP!🤷‍♂️😩🤦‍♂️
SFRobert -1
And yours has even less to do with the OP, but good effort.
Randy Marco 0
YOU are the loser!

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Cleffer 11
This is why we can't have nice things.
JohnTrolinger 6
TDS is real.
Chris Croft 5
Hey Danny boy, your profile says you are a pilot. The fact that you show no consideration regarding the flight crew of this a/c tells me your not much of a professional. In fact you come across as a wannabe aviator, and a real mess of an individual.
hal pushpak 1
AWAAlum 0
If I had one wish, I would wish Flight Aware granted me the ability to 10 downvotes for each one of these idiotic political wannabes.
Randy Marco -1
I just wish you'd grow up!
Kevin Wanecke -7
As much as I hate to hear about tragic events, this one couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person.
Gary Ondrey 1
You are a deranged and hateful person. You don't hate tragic events.. you thrive on them. And for your information, this was not anything approaching a tragic event. Biden in the White House is a tragic event. I'm sure that's what you were referring to
Randy Marco -1
What's tragic is you and all trumpfer's weren't aborted. You 'tards are diluting the gene pool.
Have a Snickers, Randy. It might even help your spelling...
wiregold 1
Donald Trump's grandfather Friedrich Drumpf. Just sayin' ...
...who legally changed the family name long before 45 was born. So, not only wrong, but still misspelled.

Pretty sure most kids grow out of making fun of peoples' names by age 7 or so.
Randy Marco 1
Exactly so why does trumpf call EVERYONE names that knows & calls him out as the LOSER he is.

Not to mention trumof making fun of handicapped people and bragging about grabbing pussies!!
21voyageur -3
It's early in the day Gary, but have a few beers to calm down.

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Dale Ballok 3
Guess you forgot how many times that word was uttered after 46 was declared the winner!😂

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doug staab 5
I ditched reddit, seeing the similar attitudes. Easy to talk without face. The intelligent have not fingers for the keyboard....
doug staab 0
They cannot recall simple facts. Living in the present misinformation is much more entertaining. Snowflakism.... It snowed here last night!!
DonDengler 0
This site always goes political.
Robert McClary -2
TRUMP 2024
AWAAlum 2
Wrong thread. Check it out - this is for airlplane enthusiasts and professionals.
Robert McClary -1
Calm down KAREN
Frank Austin 2
Why don't you get on a politial blog and leave this site for those interested in aviation and not name calling?
Randy Marco -1
So you must admire Putin also.
DonDengler 0
This type of aviation news would happen to anyone who has a recognized name by people. So let’s drop these ongoing inane comments. President Trump was in So Carolina last night for one of his inspirational rally’s. He got there and back home again by an airplane w/o incident thank God.
Move on folks
DonDengler -2
Viva President DJ Trump! Fuel prices were low and the majors were flourishing. Ticket prices were good etc etc etc US Econ came roaring back after 8 long years of the destroyer of all time time since the peanut grower. He’ll be baaaack!
Randy Marco 2
The economy and stock market rose far more under Obama.

Not to mention W destroying our economy and starting a war with Iraq that had Nothing to do with 9/11!
DonDengler -4
Laugh of the Day

Q. How do you spot a Democrat?

A. They are still wearing a 😷 Mask. 🤪
Randy Marco 1
How do you spot an uneducated person that is clueless how our government operates and what a President is able to do...

Any 'tard with a trumpf flag or supporting trumpf who is the biggest scammer of all time and tried to destroy our Democracy!

Not to mention with a handle of "airgoddess" clearly you need psychiatric help!
mike Renna 2
So True Randy!
Frank Austin 1
And they are still alive contributing to our country.
DonDengler -1
AWAAlum 2
Are you insane ???
Frank Austin 1
Bring him back and lock him up


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