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U.S. airports are 'awful.' Here's the problem
Pity the poor U.S. airport; its self-esteem has taken a beating in recent months. In February, as reported by the New York Daily News, Vice President Joe Biden said New York's frequently lambasted LaGuardia Airport "feels like it's in some third world country." ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
AUS is at the best airport in Texas. HOU isn't bad either and the new DAL is going to be good also when it's completely finished. I've also been to the new airport at RDU and it looks a lot like Hamburg.
Tampa is by far the best airport I've used in the States. 20 minutes from the gate to my car. As an international traveler, U.S. customs have by far the most arrogant piss poor attitude of any country I've visited. I know people who have taken 4 hours + to get through JFK. A really crap welcome for anyone visiting your country. I can't leave out Frankfurt. Once a great airport but now it is a dump. Avoid it.
Funny you mention Frankfurt. The last time I flew commercial was on a last minute flight to France. Made it through security at AUS and ORD with a multi-tool in my carry on. Didn't even know it was there until they caught it at Frankfurt. The security lady there was very nice, and directed me to the DHL office so that I could send it home.
Indeed they are, though not strictly for the reasons the article lays out...
Personally I don't think US Airports are 'awful' although I agree with Michael getting through JFK can be nightmare. The One thing I find all airports have in common is poor catering, I've yet to have a decent meal anywhere. Best Airport in the World without a doubt is Singapore, worst Airport, Mombasa, Kenya.
But in general U.S. airports simply can't be compared to those in Europe or Asia. Here's an essay on the topic...