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Trump plane makes emergency landing after engine failure
A plane carrying former President Donald Trump was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans last weekend after suffering engine failure over the Gulf of Mexico. Trump had been in New Orleans to speak to Republican donors in New Orleans. After the emergency landing, Trump's team secured another donor's private plane, and the former president ultimately made it to Palm Beach, FL early the next morning. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Bring him back and lock him up
Are you insane ???
That malevolent clown will do anything to gain the spotlight.
This type of aviation news would happen to anyone who has a recognized name by people. So let’s drop these ongoing inane comments. President Trump was in So Carolina last night for one of his inspirational rally’s. He got there and back home again by an airplane w/o incident thank God.
Move on folks
Move on folks
Viva President DJ Trump! Fuel prices were low and the majors were flourishing. Ticket prices were good etc etc etc US Econ came roaring back after 8 long years of the destroyer of all time time since the peanut grower. He’ll be baaaack!