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White House Warns Mask Mandate Extension "Absolutely On The Table"
The US White House is warning any removal of the public transportation mask mandate isn't decided and could go either way. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
On my flight yesterday everybody was masked but half the people had their masks pulled down under their nose or even under their mouth 90% of the time. It's a charade now, pure theater.
Always was a charade.
How long can they find a reason to drag this out; #rolleyes
for as long as they can CONvince the sheep they are in danger.....
[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.] then? As of April 10 the data for the US shows 518 new cases and 7 deaths. The 7 day average for the entire country is 23,000 cases and 377 deaths. Just for reference, in 2020 over 42,000 people died in falls at home or work. That averages out to 115 per day.
You have to have noticed that no one in government or media has talked about covid deaths in months. All we hear about now is "cases". Why? Because hospitalizations and deaths have remained at pandemic lows while "cases" have spiked up and down. The vaccines are working, natural immunity is working, and as predicted new variants are proving to be no more deadly than their predecessors.
You have to have noticed that no one in government or media has talked about covid deaths in months. All we hear about now is "cases". Why? Because hospitalizations and deaths have remained at pandemic lows while "cases" have spiked up and down. The vaccines are working, natural immunity is working, and as predicted new variants are proving to be no more deadly than their predecessors.
Bad news for you. People get sick all the time so yes, this madness needs to end now. Even the flying professionals are saying that.
People will continue getting sick forever....that won't stop. Time to start living with it and move on.